The Second Weekend Approaches
The Prosecuting Attorney's office did what it could. A temporary restraining order was granted in Superior court by Judge Edward Reed, Monday, ordering a halt to all festival activities and
stopping suppliers of the festival from delivering food and water. Listed as defendants on the order were, Michael Hill (Puzzleman),Charles H. W. Talbot, Susan Yukish, Lee A. Holley, Richard Alba, all members of the WPCA, and any and all others who aid,abet,and contribute to the festival. The order was delivered Tuesday by Chief Cotton. The county apparently felt that with food and water barred from the site, the people inside would filter out. They didn't. "The injunction, good as its intentions were, actually resulted in a deterioration of health standards", said Dr. Champaign.
The health standards, such as they were, suffered a further blow from the weather. The sunny days at Sky River were over it seemed and cold weather, along with a heavy rain, descended upon the site . It put a halt to the nude bathing, but that was about it.
During the week, bands continued to play from early evening to early morning as the stage had been covered with plastic to protect the equipment. And with acid rock music and acid tablets, the people were not about to leave.
The rain may not have dampened the spirits at Sky River but it had a definite effect on the electrical system. Shorts in the system and a broken down generator stopped the music until parts could be flown in for repair.
Named as the big bands for the upcoming Labor day weekend, were The Jefferson Airplane, Big Brother and the Holding Company, and Crosby,Stills and Young.
Lack of firewood became a problem during the week, but festival officials did not want people to cut any of the timber on the grounds. People scrambled for firewood wherever they could find it and more than a few No Trespassing signs found their way into campfires.
Price controls over food, drink, and drugs, seemed fairly effective. A hotdog sold for 15 cents, corn on the cob, for a dime, and soup for 20 cents. A lid of marijuana went from $8 to $10 , LSD sold for a dollar and a cap of mescaline could be bought for as little as 35 cents. The controls were maintained by periodic announcements of approved prices over the P.A. system and by festival officials visiting concession stands and salespersons. Some salespersons ,who seemed to be making too much profit, were escorted off the grounds.
Some local residents made money by renting out binoculars and selling bags of ice. Business was up, in town, although few merchants had thought to stock up. Gasoline, beer, and wine merchants reported doing increased business.
Legal manuevering, meanwhile, continued at the courthouse. Jeffrey Steinborn, a Seattle lawyer representing the festival said, " I have already advised the people at the festival that the festival is unlawful, and that we have been enjoined by the court. I will file a motion this afternoon (Tuesday) to quash the injunction, which I will request to be heard tomorrow. I think we have a strong case; I don't think the injunction is good."
The county prosecutor allowed Steinborn to stay on the festival premises to "keep the peace and to keep open communications." Also allowed to stay was the Open Door Clinic. On Friday, the motion by Steinborn was denied and the temporary restraining order was made permanent by Judge Robert D. McMullen. The order had little effect on the festival itself, which apparently suffered little shortage of either food or water. Sheriff's officers made no attempt to stop traffic into the site.
Labor Day weekend arrived and another flood of people descended upon the site. Roads leading into the site were clogged with six inches of mud. The sani-cans were overflowing again, because of the court order, and the garbage was piling into an ominous mountain. Possibly 20,000 people forced their way onto the grounds for the three day weekend. They again clogged the parking lots, neighboring roads, and a few neighbors front yards, with their vehicles. They kept the free clinic busy treating colds, drug overdoses, stubbed toes, and gashes.The drug vendors did a spectacular business. The stage was alive every night with the sounds of west coast bands and the sight of a light show. Although the big name bands didn't show, the people didn't seem to mind, as about 25 bands played that weekend including: The Youngbloods, Rhythym Dukes ,The Factory, Good Clean Fun, Fox, High Voltage, and Wayne Silversonics, who returned for a second engagement.